Brazilian dance – Kate Spanos, Ph.D.

Brazilian dance

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Cavalo marinho
Cavalo marinho
Cavalo marinho
Guerreiros do Passo
Frevo with Guerreiros do Passo. Photo credit: Eduardo Araújo.
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Brazilian dance and movement

I began training capoeira with Mestre Piau of Grupo Candeias while living in Limerick, Ireland. I later trained as a student in Mestre Curisco’s Grupo Capoeira Malês beginning in 2008. I started practicing with Capoeira Malês in in Chico, and then I continued to train with the Capoeira Malês DC branch in Washington, DC.

I began studying frevo in Recife, Brazil while on a postdoctoral Fulbright grant in 2018. I danced with Guerreiros do PassoBrincantes das LadeirasMexe com Tudo (Otávio Bastos), and Escola Municipal de Frevo (Júnior Viegas). I also took capoeira classes at Perna Pesada Capoeira Academy, as well as cavalo marinho and maracatu rural classes with Fabinho Soares.

I am currently studying frevo under Otávio Bastos through Mexe Com Tudo, which also involves frevo dance pedagogy and mentorship for frevo teachers using the Mexe Com Tudo method. I teach regular frevo classes through EducArte in College Park.

I also participate in samba no pé, samba de gafieira, forró, and other Brazilian dance communities in the DC area.

Kate Spanos frevo 2023
Photo credit: Heather O'Steen Photography.