Brazilian frevo dance classes

I teach frevo classes through my non-profit, EducArte. Frevo, from the Portuguese word “ferver,” is an effervescent dance and music genre associated with the street carnivals of Recife, the capital of Brazil’s northeastern state of Pernambuco.

I studied frevo in Recife through a postdoctoral Fulbright grant in 2018, and I teach under the mentorship of Otávio Bastos (founder of Mexe Com Tudo) from Recife/Olinda. Mexe Com Tudo is a frevo dance group, methodology, and philosophy developed by Otávio (derived from Mestre Nascimento do Passo’s frevo cinquentão) with a focus on individual expression and challenging Western aesthetic standards in dance. This approach to frevo welcomes everyone to dance in the ways that bring them the most pleasure.

Learn more about my frevo classes on EducArte’s website. Learn more about the philosophy of Mexe Com Tudo in an article by Paula Passos in Recife’s Revista Continente.

Kate Spanos frevo 2023
Photo credit: Heather O'Steen Photography.