Validate in the Dictionary
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Read Scrabble scoring instructions
Each word formed in the play is scored this way:
- Any tile played from the player’s rack onto a previously vacant square that is a “double-letter” or “triple-letter” premium square has its point value doubled or tripled as indicated.
- Add the normal point value of all other letters (excluding blanks) in the word (whether newly played or existing).
- For each newly played tile placed on a “double-word” premium square, the total is doubled (or redoubled).
- For each newly placed tile placed on a “triple-word” premium square, the total is tripled (or re-tripled).
- Premium squares affect the score of each word made in the same play by constituent tiles played upon those squares. Premium squares, once played upon, are not counted again in subsequent plays.
If a player uses all seven of the tiles in the rack in a single play, a bonus of 50 points is added to the score of that play (this is called a “bingo” in Canada and the United States, and a “bonus” elsewhere). These bonus points are not affected by premium squares.
— from “Scrabble” on Wikipedia
Read about Scrabble letter distributions in different languages.
You may also be interested in a Words With Friends fan website, which hosts tournaments for the popular iPhone application and makes available popular 2-letter and 3-letter word lists.
April 2020 Update: I have added values for Sahibba, a Malay language board game similar to Scrabble.
May 2015 Update: I have added more vowels with diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, circumflexes, etc.) to the Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French alphabets. With diacritical marks, these letters have the same value as their unaccented counterparts and should be calculated as such.
April 2015 Update: I have added Portuguese to the language options.
August 2013 Update: Thanks to a user’s suggestion, I have added Estonian to the language options.
December 2011 Update: Thanks to the suggestion of Roman (see comments below), I have added a blank letter option in case you want to set a letter’s value to 0.
November 2011 Update: I have added another WordsWithFriends word validator, this time using the ENABLE word list that WWF uses. Just click the “Validate [word]” button to check to see if WWF will accept your word!
August 2011 Update: I have added a WordsWithFriends word validator to the calculator. When you click the “Validate [word]” button, it will also check the WordsWithFriends database and tell you if it is acceptable. Another new feature is the “cache”: Now when you enter a word, a button appears that says “add to cache.” Click this to add it to a cache of saved words; you can add as many words as you like to this cache, and it will calculate the running total. Click the ‘x’ to remove a word from the cache, and again, your total will be updated. This might be useful if you are trying to calculate the total of multiple words that intersect or border other words on the Scrabble board.
4/27/2010 Update: I have added a dictionary check to the calculator so that you can validate your word. Simply click the “Validate [word]” button just below the “Reset” button and your word will be checked against Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. At this time, only English words are supported, so your language setting must be either English or Words With Friends.
4/2/2010 Update: I have added support for the popular iPhone app Words with Friends after discovering that the letter values in this game vary slightly from those in standard Scrabble. Just select Words with Friends as your “language” and your letter values should update appropriately. In addition, the bonus for using all 7 tiles in Words with Friends is only 35 points, as opposed to 50, and you will notice this change in the bonus checkbox.
12/11/2008 Update: Thanks to your brilliant suggestions, I have added some new features to the calculator:
- multiple double and triple letter scores within a word
- multiple double or triple word scores
- links to look up words on Dictionary.com and Wordnik.com
- support for multiple languages, including English, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian and German
Keep the great ideas coming, and enjoy!

i love this
Raxacoricofallapatorius isn’t worth nearly enough points. I usually get 6000 just for pronouncing it.
well this is retrarded.. I dont even know what it’s supposed to do. All i need is a website to tell my how much i would score for my name on scrabble… goodness
You have “M” being worth 4 points, but it is only worth 3.
Hi Mike! Thanks for your comment. If you switch the language to “English” then the “M” is indeed worth only 3 points. You may have had “Words with Friends” selected as the language, in which case the “M” is worth 4 points.
How about having the word calc option for the iphone? Or is it there and i missed it?
Hi Jeff! There is no iPhone app for the calculator yet. I started working on one but it is not yet finished. Stay tuned!
I am making a scrabble game as part of a college project using java. I love the site and was using it for refining my own scoring function when I noticed that your tiles are given different values than is given on say wikipedia, eg you list L as being worth 2 whilst other sources say its worth 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrabble_letter_distributions
Is there a more common score or a correct score as I would like to adopt the most appropriate system.
Thanks 🙂
Hi David! You may have the “Words with Friends” language selected. Words with Friends is a Scrabble-like iPhone app that actually has different letter values than regular Scrabble. If you choose “English” from the language drop-down menu you can get the regular distributions (I also got them from the Wikipedia page). I hope this helps!
Ah so there is, thanks and apologies I was working on it late last night and wasn’t firing on all cylinders
Very slick, and beautifully done. The only other comment I have is that you make it possible to apply an impossible number of double and tripple word scores, no matter how long the word is.
Thanks, Jason! I try to leave it as flexible as possible, even though it’s impossible in Scrabble to get that many double/triple word scores. Sometimes it’s fun to see how high it can go 🙂
Works Great!
Could you make a “words with friends” verision, pretty pleaseeee
Thanks, Matt! If you want to get a Words with Friends score, just select “Words with Friends” from the language drop-down menu next to the word. I hope that helps!
This is a wonderful tool! Is there any way to use it without internet access though?
Thanks Diane! I do have a Mac OS X widget, but it is not out for public release. Are you interested in one? This summer I also plan to build an iPhone/Droid app for the calculator.
I’m not sure how useful that would be, since I’m a Windows user with no fancy phone currently XD
But thanks for the quick reply.
Would it be alright if I saved the files locally and see if that works? I definitely won’t distribute them anywhere or anything, it would just be for personal use when I don’t have net access.
Sure, that is fine! The dictionary validation won’t work (because it requires internet access), but the rest of it is just JavaScript, so it will work without internet access. Have fun!
Thanks so much! I’ve saved the web page (complete) and it worked great. 😀 I really appreciate the work you’ve put into this tool, it’s awesome.
Wonderful! I’m so glad you find it useful! 🙂
Wow.. I love this ! Thanks sooo much for making this website it’s exactly what I needed! I’ve been searching for about 10 minutes hehehe 😛 I use this to check my scrabble letters at school bcuz we do a thing called spelling menus, and one of them is scrabble letters, you have to make letters into numbers, just like this !
Graceful 2+1+1+3+1+4+1+1 = 14
Thank you !!
Wonderful! I’m so glad you are finding it useful!
I like the way the tiles appear as you typ in the letters.
Hey this is great but it doesn’t five a definitive answer as to whether the word entered will be accept for play with Words With Friends. Any way you can add that, x-ref with the Words With Friends word list??
What a great idea! I will look into adding this functionality, and hopefully have it working soon! Thanks for the suggestion.
Sandra, I have added a validator for Words With Friends to the calculator. Check it out and let me know whether or not it works! I hope this helps!
This is great! Didn’t see this mentioned, but a way to separate out the DW and TW when you are playing parallel or adding on on the other direction? Example:
Have Vertical: FEEL
Add Horizonal: STAND by placing the S at the end of FEEL.
There is a DW under the “a” in STAND
As I understand it, the DW score applies only to STAND, but you still get regular points for FEELS.
I know that on your tool I can type in both separately and do the math. But just adding a suggestion.
This is a great suggestion! Who wants to do the math? I will try to figure out a way to add this functionality to the calculator. Stay tuned! Thanks for the feedback!
I have added your suggestion to the calculator. Now when you enter a word, a button appears that says “add to cache.” Click this to add it to a cache of saved words; you can add as many words as you like to this cache, and it will calculate the running total. Click the ‘x’ to remove a word from the cache, and again, your total will be updated.
I hope this works the way you want it to. I welcome your feedback!
Can you add a percentage of total tiles used?
Hi Linda,
I’m not sure what you mean by “percentage of total tiles.” Could you explain? Thanks for the feedback!
Hey Kate-
Howzit going? I enjoy your site and posts!…I’m a long-time Scrabbler, and I just launched a new website for teaching how to play all word games-it’s called http://www.scrabbleguy.com and I use short fun and easy to understand videos-a lot of fun! I’d love to get your feedback! Please lemme know what you think! Thanks -take care…Bob
Hi Bob! Thanks! Your website is a lot of fun; nice work. It’s great to see fellow word game lovers out there 🙂
Hi Kate….ooops-I just now saw your response below….somehow it never came into my inbox…sorry about that! Thanks for the kind words….do you play online? If so, lemme know! I’ll look for a response in my inbox-if it doesn’t come in, I’ll let you know just in case there’s an issue technically…..take care!
I don’t play online; really just Words with Friends at this point.
Don’t make the tiles look to much like the official Scrabble tiles or they may get on your cast about it.
My site , http://scrabblecheat.com is all text based, no pictures. I never thought of the calculator look. Such a well done one, wow.
If you ever want to sell it let me know.
Thanks, Anna!
Hey Kate. Have you ever add blank square feautre? Thanks
Hi Deo! To add a blank square, just type the space bar. It counts for nothing, but it will show up in the results as a blank tile. I hope that helps!
Yes it helps. Thanks a bunch. Have a nice day
why doesn’t words with friends show you how many points a word will be when you place them? like scrabble?
Hi Sandi! I’m not sure I understand your question. Is this a question about the calculator, or about Words with Friends and Scrabble games themselves?
Your dictionary uses Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary BUT Words with friends uses the ENABLE wordlist (available as a free download) Note* WWF does take out certain words that they say are offensive like NAZI.
So surely you should use the ENABLE wordlist for WWF as those 2 on-line dictionaries will give many false results.
Thank you, Henry! This is a great idea. I’ll implement an ENABLE word check as soon as I have the chance.
Henry, I have added an ENABLE word check to the calculator. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any problems using it.
I don’t understand words for friends scoring. I get the dw tw dl tl but I have played a few words like “xi” for example. It was dw so it should have been 18pnts 8 for the x and 1 for the I and ya double it. But guess what. I got like 50pnts. Once I did the word jello where there was tw and I somehow got 108pnts from it. So how do I figure out which words do that? Very confusing its happened a lot to me.
Hi Renee! You can get double-double or double-triple word scores if you make two words, one horizontal and one vertical, and the double word or triple word tile is on the corner where those two words meet. Does that make sense?
Hi Roger! I think it would be (24 x 3 x 3) + 50 = 266. I’m not sure how you got 26 for the base score for QUACKING; it shouldn’t matter where you cross the word (A, I, or N) because you get the points for the letters you cross as well. Does that make sense?
Hi. It’s me, Deo again. And again, blank title trouble again. How do you edit those blank
(Example:T(BLANK)SS) so I can check it without changing the balnk
(Example: I can check the word T(BLANK)SS with the blank had been setting with O , so I can do this without making as a regular TOSS) I wish you get it. Thanks
Hi Deo, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the question! Can you clarify?